Campspot and Sensible Weather: Camping Trip Rain Protection

Campspot partners with Sensible Weather to offer rain protection and ensure a worry-free camping experience.

Get Reimbursed for Rainy Weather

At Campspot, we prioritize your comfort and enjoyment, even when the weather takes an unexpected turn. While our campgrounds certainly provide exceptional shelter, we understand that rain can impact your camping adventure.

That’s why we partner with Sensible Weather to offer a unique Weather Guarantee. Sensible’s Weather Guarantee gives campers the option to protect their camping experience from the risk of rain in the forecast. When the daily forecast shows inclement weather, Sensible automatically contacts campers to claim a reimbursement, with no cancellations necessary—no claims, no hassle.

What is Sensible Weather?

Sensible Weather started as a group of climate scientists and technologists who saw the opportunity to make the unpredictability of Mother Nature a bit more predictable. They came together and created a Weather Guarantee. It’s all backed by science and boat loads of data to allow you to have a stress-free time.

How It Works

Add Sensible Weather at Checkout

Book a camping trip with Campspot and add a Weather Guarantee at participating campgrounds.

Sit Back and Relax

When you’re out enjoying your day, Sensible Weather is working in the background, constantly watching the forecast. If bad weather is on the horizon—you’ll get a text right away.

Get Money Back

No need to pack up, you can still enjoy your trip, rain and all. Rest easy knowing you paid a whole lot less for bad weather and all you’ll have to do is transfer the funds to the account of your choosing.


Is this available on all Campspot campgrounds?

Sensible’s Weather Guarantee is currently available at check-out at participating campgrounds.

What happens to the Weather Guarantee if a change is made to the Campspot reservation, such as a change in dates of a trip?

Your Weather Guarantee remains in place even when a change to your trip is made, but guests will need to request a change to their coverage dates. They can do this by contacting Sensible Weather directly to make changes to their coverage dates should they change the dates of their Campspot reservation.

What happens to the Weather Guarantee if the guest cancels their Campspot reservation?

No action is needed. If the guest cancels their Campspot reservation, the Weather Guarantee will be automatically cancelled and refunded on their behalf.

Should I cancel my reservation if rain is in the forecast?

No! You should not cancel your reservation if you see a forecast of bad weather. You are only eligible for a reimbursement from Sensible Weather if you maintain the reservation.

What does a Weather Guarantee Cover?

Weather Guarantees are dynamic based on the dates and location. The number of hours of rain required to trigger a reimbursement will be shown when you book, in your confirmation email, and in pre-arrival emails so you know what to expect. A Weather Guarantee will reimburse campers based on the official NOAA day-of forecasted hours of bad weather.

Still Have Questions??

Contact Sensible Weather

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